Sunday, December 1, 2019

Study Guide free essay sample

Why is Fort Sumner signi? cant in relation to the Civil War? 2. List advantages held by the Confederates at the beginning of the Civil War? 3. List advantages held by the Union at the beginning of the Civil War? 4. Identify a copperhead. 5. Identify writ of habeas corpus. Why did President Lincoln suspend this during the war? 6. What were the three parts to the Union military strategy known as the anaconda plan? 7. Why was the confederate General Stonewall Jackson successful at the ? rst Battle of Bull Run? 8. Identify Union General, George McClellan 9. What was the purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation? 0. Describe the Economy of the north during the Civil War. 11. List hardships experienced by soldiers during the Civil War? 12. What is Andersonville? 13. Who did President Lincoln name as commandeer of union troops from 1864 to the end of the war? 14. Why did General William Sherman burn the city of Atlanta in 1864? 15. Identify Sherman’s March to the Sea. We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 16. Describe â€Å"total war† 17. What did the Democratic platform consist of during the presidential election of 1864? 18. Why is Appomattox Courthouse signi? cant during the Civil War? 19. Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War? 20. How did John Wilkes Booth impact the history of the United States? 21. Identify the Battle of Shiloh. 22. Identify the Battle of Atlanta. 23. Identify the Battle of Antietam. 24. Identify the Battle of Gettysburg. 25. Identify the Battle of Vicksburg. 26. List characteristics of the Civil War. 27. What was the purpose for the Gettysburg Address? 28. Who was the President of the Confederate States of America? 29. List characteristics of the Union. 30. What was the signi? cance of the 54th Massachusetts during the Civil War? 31. List characteristics for Abraham Lincoln. 32. Know general facts about the Civil War. Study Guide free essay sample What theological concerns prompted Martin Luthers challenge of the authority of the Catholic Church? What specific reforms did he advocate? -The church was saying that you needed to be saved and you needed Catholic priest to be directly involved in your path to salvation. Luther put emphasis on an individual’s personal relationship with God through Jesus. What forces worked against such an empire in the sixteenth century? Pressures from France and Ottomans halted expansion of the empire 6) How did European monarchs increase their power in the early modern era? What are some of the common characteristics of the new monarchs? -Extended their rule by expanding their lands and territories. A monarch is the person who heads a monarchy, a form of government in which a country or entity is usually ruled or controlled by an individual. 7) What is the fundamental difference between absolute monarchy and a constitutional government? Rapid growth of major cities. We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cities increasingly important as administrative and commercial center. 12) What are the characteristics of capitalism in the early modern age? What financial innovations supported the growth of capitalism in Europe? Joint-stock companies like EEIC and VOC organized commerce on a new scale. Capitalism actively supported by governments, especially in England and Netherlands. Protected rights of private property, upheld contracts, settled disputed. 13) What are some of the social changes that resulted from the growth of capitalism? What groups would have been most threatened by or resistant to these changes? Early capitalism altered rural society: improved material standards, increased financial independence of rural worker. Families more independent economically, socially, and emotionally

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